This time you can’t blame us if you don’t like the order because it was totally decided considering the number of fans they have, ha! Did you favourite gay porn star cracked the top ten? Did the number 1 surprised you? Who should totally be among these 10 but it isn’t? Join the conversation in the comments!ġ0.
Their power combined reach a whooping 1.245.000 followers! That’s an amazing number considering that mainstream media often times looks down on this side of the industry and porn is still considered the black sheep of entertainment. (By the way are you following QC? Because you totally should!) Some entries are a surprise, others expected but the ranking makes clear which stars shine brighter when it comes to their popularity. Jun 14 Who wants to be flipped upside down right now juicyjaiixxx is mad for it The following media includes potentially sensitive content. It was an herculean task but our social media team compiled a list of 10 gay porn star with the biggest presences on Twitter. Whenever I like a tweet, it turns red like its supposed to, and when I go back to my profile and click the like section, most of the time the tweet has unliked itself and has turned gray again, however when I click the tweet and go to the like section of it, it shows my account in the list of users who have liked the tweet.