The beginning episodes show a rocky start between these two which leaves me thinking: Will Daisuke melt the glacier-like exterior of Haru overtime? Will we see a blossoming friendship to rival that of Mulder and Scully? Oh, I am counting on it. I get major Bruce Wayne/ The Big O vibes from this weird rich pretty man. Daisuke’s habit of throwing money around to solve crime and utilizing his advanced AI to invade the digital privacy of citizens irks the straight-laced (hehehe) Haru. Topsy turvy from the get-go, we are introduced to the no-nonsense Haru Katō who is a recently disgraced Division 1 detective: unwillingly partnered with the wealthy and enigmatic Daisuke Kanbe. This anime is a straight (lol), WILD ride. Justifications and the condoning of unethical and socially dangerous methods of bringing in alleged criminals is not The Way™. Upfront: The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited is cop propaganda. I think we all deserve a little bit (a whole lot) of gay, yeah? We’ve been deprived for long enough. However, the anime has also been criticised for its pro-military themes and fascist iconography and whether these can be detached from the anime’s own world.
I would be a GOD DAMN liar if I said I didn’t get into this anime because I had hope it would give me some wholesome gay content. PSYCHO GAY ANIME SHOWS HOW TO Where to watch it: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix (US) Either way, Attack on Titan will likely give you much to ponder, and that is undoubtedly its strength.